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Digestive and Excretory Systems
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What makes the food easy to swallow?
Which system helps us to get nutrients from our food?
Digestive system
Where does food break into pieces? It has teeth, a tongue and saliva in it.
Where does food becomes a paste? It has a bag and food stays here for about 3 hours.
It is a very long tube and has lots of blood vessels in it. The liquid from the stomach goes through here and pass into the blood.
Small intestine
It is a long tube also known as food pipe. Food goes through here to the stomach.
It is a wide tube that is connected to the anus.
Large intestine
Where does the food our body doesn't need goes out to?
Which system helps our body get rid of excess water and waste products?
Excretory system
Which part of the excretory system removes excess water and waste products from the blood?
How do you call the long tubes where the urine goes down to the bladder?
It is like a bag which collects the urine.
It is a short tube where the urine goes out when we go to the toilet.