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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She eats or she eat the ice cream?
I take, or I takes a photo?
When do you not use /s/ on an action verb?
When the subject is I, they, you or we.
When do you put /s/ on an action verb?
When the subject is he, she or it.
What does an action verb tell you?
It tells you what someone or something did.
What is the snorkel for in the story?
To help you breathe when you have your face in the water.
What is a dock?
A place where you tie up a boat.
Why is it important to have a wet suit on in the water?
Without it, you will freeze in the cold water.
What is a diagraph?
It is two letters, which combine to make one sound.
What does a caterpillar turn into?
A butterfly.
Habitat means
the environment and animal lives in.