Edit Game
Nouns or Adjectives

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give 3 adjectives to describe this monster
Teacher checks
Describe this dog
Teacher checks
Give 1 sentence to describe your best friend using an adjective
Teacher checks
Give 2 small things and 2 small animals
Teacher checks
Purple. Noun or Adjective?
Monster. Noun or Adjective?
Give 1 adjective that starts with "F"
Teacher checks
Give 1 adjective that starts with "S"
Teacher checks
Scary. Noun or Adjective
Describe the princess
Teacher checks
What animals are slow? Give 2 anwers
Teacher checks
Describe the your desk
Teacher checks
The ice-cream is ____________. Give an adjective to describe
Teacher checks
"a tall building" or "a long building"?
A tall building
Describe the t-shirt
Teach checks
Make a sentence with "funny"
Teacher checks
The school is _______. A) sharp. B) large. C) short
B) large
What is sharp? Give 2 anwers
Teacher checks
Student. Noun or Adjective
Make a sentence with "long"
Teacher checks
Make a sentence with "fluffy"
Teacher checks
The teacher is ________. A) blue. B) angry. C) long
B) angry
The book is _______. A) heavy. B) tall. C) tasty
A) heavy
Describe the baby
Teacher checks
Eraser. Noun or Adjective