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MOTOE- Part 1

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why didn't Ratchett fight back even though he had a gun under his pillow?
He had been drugged
Which "hand" was the killer? Right or Left?
We don't know...the evidence was inconclusive (both)
What initial was on the handkerchief?
Who freaks out and says a man was in their room?
Aside from Poirot, who also saw the lady in the red kimono?
Pierre Michel
Why was Ratchett using an alias (changed his name)?
He kidnapped and murdered Daisy Armstrong
Which two items have outsold Agatha Christie's mystery novels?
Bible and Shakespeare
Judging from Christie’s description of the setting, what season is it?
What is Poirot's "real" reason for refusing Ratchett's case?
He didn't trust him- bad vibes
What is Ratchett's real name?
Who is Mr. Ratchett's assistant (secretary)?
How many stab wounds were found on Ratchett's body?
Poirot compares Dragomiroff's face to that of a--
How does Poirot know the case is involved with Daisy Armstrong's murder?
He finds the slip of burned paper.
What is M. Bouc's position with the Wagon Lit company?
In Chapter One of Part I, what does Poirot overhear Mary Debenham say to the Colonel?
When it's all over...when it is behind us.