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Invertebrates Bio 1st ESO

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do corals and sea anemones live?
Attached to the ocean floor
What is this? What group of invertebrates is it in?
Sea anemone? Cnidaria
Which Cnidaria stage does the jellyfish represent?
medusa stage
Cnidaria have a __________ __________ like a stomach, connected to their mouth.
gastrovascular cavity
Why do cnidaria have stinging cells?
To paralyze prey
Cnidaria have one opening surrounded by _________ with stinging cells.
What is the habitat of most cnidarians?
the ocean
How do cnidarians feed?
They are carnivorous predators
What are cnidoblasts?
stinging cells that give this group its name.
What group of invertebrates is this?
cnidaria- it is coral
What are the three groups of cnidaria?
jellyfish, seas anemone, and corals
What group of invertebrates is this?
Porifera (it's a sponge)
The body wall of a sponge is full of tiny holes called ___________.
True or false: The osculum is part of cnidaria.
False. It is part of the sponge which is Porifera.
Water enters a sponge through its ______________ and deposits nutrients.
central cavity
How do sponges feed?
They are filter feeders. They feed on oxygen and small particles of nutrients suspended in water.
As adults, sponges are all motile. True or False?
False. They are all sessile, and live attached to rocks or coral.
The invertebrate group _________ consists of sponges.
These are the simplest invertebrate animals. They have no organs (2 types).
Porifera and Cnidaria
Most invertebrates have an external skeleton called an ____________.
What do "motile" and "sessile" mean?
motile: moving/ sessile: stationary
True or False: All invertebrates are motile (moving).
False. Some are also sessile (stationary)
True or False: Invertebrates do not range in size. They are all very small.
FALSE- Vertebrates have a wide range of sizes. From microscopic water fleas to the GIANT squid.
An invertebrate's environment where it lives is also known as its _____________.
Invertebrates live in two kinds of environments. What are they?
Aquatic and terrestrial