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Mixed Past Tenses

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I (only/watch) Netflix for a few minutes when the electricity (go) out.
I had only been watching Netflix for a few minutes when the electricity went out.
When the robbery (happen), the security guard (sleep).
When the robbery happened, the security guard was sleeping.
When we (get) to the airport I (realise) I (leave) my passport at home.
When we got to the airport I realised I had left my passport at home.
We (choose) the Rio hotel because we (be) there before.
We chose the Rio hotel because we had been there before.
Johnson (get) ready for the marathon for six months.
Johnson had been getting ready for the marathon for six months.
Thanks for your letter, I (just/leave) when I (see) the postman.
Thanks for your letter, I had just left when I saw the postman.
When we (share) a room, Zoe (take) my things, it was so annoying!
When we shared a room, Zoe was always taking my things, it was so annoying!
When you (ring) last night, I (take) a shower.
When you rang last night I was taking a shower.
The last time I (speak) to you, you (split up) with your boyfriend.
The last time I spoke to you, you had split up with your boyfriend.
I wasn't sure how she would react because I (not/know) her for very long.
I wasn't sure how she would react because I hadn't known her for very long.
Jack (not/play) chess before, so I explained the rules to him.
Jack hadn't played Chess before, so I explained the rules to him.
My grandfather (own) a hotel until he sold it last year.
My grandfather owned a hotel until he sold it last year.
I was tired because I (run) all morning.
I was tired because I had been running all morning.
I missed the start of the film because I (buy) popcorn.
I missed the start of the film because I was buying popcorn.
John (work) at the factory for just 4 weeks when he became the manager.
John had been working at the factory for just 4 weeks when he became the manager.
They used to/would like spending Christmas at home.
They used to like spending Christmas at home.
Vivian (not/have) Italian lessons for very long, so she couldn't speak very fluently.
Vivian hadn't had Italian lessons for very long, so she couldn't speak very fluently.
I wanted to say goodbye to him, but he (already/leave).
I wanted to say goodbye to him, but he had already left.
I (hope) to get my package today but it still hasn't arrived.
I was hoping to get my package today but it still hasn't arrived.
We (talk) when someone knocked at the door.
We were talking when someone knocked at the door.
My brother and I (go) swimming almost every day last summer.
My brother and I went swimming almost every day last summer.
By the time he died, Beethoven (write) nine symphonies.
By the time he died, Beethoven had written nine symphonies.
We (wait) for over an hour when the train finally arrived.
We had been waiting for over an hour when the train finally arrived.
I used to/would live in England
I used to live in England