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Parts of a Plant and Tree

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Yes or No. Ferns have fruits.
No, they don't.
Yes or No. Ferns need water.
Yes, they do.
Yes or No. Ferns have spores.
Yes, they do.
Yes or No. Ferns need sunlight.
No, they don't.
What do mosses and ferns reproduce with?
They reproduce with SPORES.
What are these? They have green leaves.
These are ferns.
What are these? These are short and soft. They don't have flowers.
These are mosses.
What part of a flower are these?
These are the petals.
What part of a flower are these?
These are the sepals.
What part of a flower are these?
These are stamens.
What's this? It's thin and bendy.
It's grass.
What's this? It has lot of stems and smaller than a tree.
It's a bush.
What's this?
It's a sunflower.
What trees lose their leaves in autumn?
deciduous trees
What trees are green all year round?
evergreen trees
What is this? Plants need this in order to grow.
What is this? Plants need this in order to grow.
What is this? Plants need this in order to grow.
What is this? Plants need this in order to grow.
Trees usually have _____ which contains seeds. Humans and animals usually eat these parts of a tree.
How do we call these parts of a tree?
How do we call the tall, and woody plants?
How do we call the thick and hard stem of a tree?
What part of a plant that is colorful and contains seeds?
What parts of a plant and a tree absorbs sunlight and air?
What part of a plant holds up the flower?
What part of a plant and a tree absorbs water from the soil?