Edit Game
English File upper intermediate units 5 & 6

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Anna told Adam about my accident and now he's really angry at me. If only she ___________ (not/tell) him about it.
hadn't told him
I hate seeing your dirty clothes on the floor. I wish you ________ leave them on the floor !
It's a pity I can't speak French. I wish I ____________ French.
could speak / were able to speak
We ____________ (NOT/GO) to that restaurant if you hadn't recommended it.
wouldn't have gone
They _______________ from the jungle if they ___________ the river. a) hadn't escaped / would have found b) wouldn't escaped / didn't find c) had escaped / wouldn't found d) wouldn't have escaped / hadn't found
wouldn't have escaped / hadn't found
My sister isn't used to _____________ in such a big city. a) live b) living c) to live d) lived
I don't remember ___________(MEET) you for the first time
A person who sleeps well sleeps like a _________
When you're in bed you put your head on the ___________
When you are tired you open your mouth and y_________
What is it?
I regret _____________ to university.    a) having not gone b) not having gone c) to not to go d) not to go
b) not having gone
I felt o__________ -my feelings were so strong and I didn't know how to react
What does BEWILDERED mean? a) very excited b) very surprised c) extremely confused d) extremely upset
c) extremely confused
very surprised and unable to move or react - s ___________
 extremely upset - d_____________
I am so p__________ - my daughter has won a very important prize.
1. You're abroad and you think somebody has stolen your passport, but then you find it, You feel r______