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Form a sentence.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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dishes - dirty - in - sink - put - the
Put dirty dishes in the sink.
put - washer - I - clothes - in - the
I put clothes in the washer.
umbrella - took - beach - I - my - the - to
I took my umbrella to the beach.
store - Larry - shoes - got - new - the - at
Larry got new shoes at the store.
radio - she - me - her - new - showed
She showed me her new radio.
race - I - watch - want - the - to
I want to watch the race.
scary - which - do - like - you - movie
Which scary movie do you like?
milk shake - I - a - strawberry - want
I want a strawberry milkshake.
for - mashed - dinner - I - potatoes - like
I like mashed potatoes for dinner.
lunch - cafeteria - we - in - the - eat
We eat lunch in the cafeteria.
lunch - brought - my - school - to - I - today
I brought my lunch to school today.
sun - bright - is - shining - the
The sun is shining bright.
pencil - sharp - is - my - not
My pencil is not sharp.
youngest - Sheila - is - sister - my
Sheila is my youngest sister.
oldest - is - Shane - brother - my
Shane is my oldest brother.
new - she - car - me - showed - her
She showed me her new car.
jeans - rip - my - a - have
My jeans have a rip.
charge - need - I - my - phone - to
I need to charge my phone.
Chuck - out - trash -the - took
Chuck took out the trash.
drove - home - she - car - the
She drove the car home.
green - a - have - shirt - shamrock - I
I have a green shamrock shirt.
the - bit - surf board -shark - the
The shark bit the surfboard.
ran - shampoo - out - I - of
I ran out of shampoo.
waited - show - Randy - the - for
Randy waited for the show.