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Cost per item= $6.21. Unit Required = 140g. Unit size= 635g. What is the cost?
Cost per item= $4.97. Unit Required = 227g. Unit size= 454g. What is the cost?
If it costs $0.49 to make one piece of garlic bread... how much would you sell it for?
$0.49 x 3.3 = $1.617
Cost per item x unit required / unit size is the formula used to calculate...
Food cost
New yield / Old yield is the formula used for what?
To find the conversion factor
If my recipe made 8 bagels but I want to make 12 what would the conversion factor be?
To increase or decrease a recipe you need to find the….
Conversion Factor
What is the chef in charge of desserts and pastries called?
Who is second in command to the executive chef?
Sous Chef
The ratio of one food to another and to the plate is called?
Arranging the food and garnishes on a plate is called?
What is the edible decoration placed in or around the food on a plated meal?
What is an accompaniment?
A food item that is offered with an entree.
What type of menu is used when the restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner all day listed on the same menu?
California Menu
What type of menu lists the meals that are offered on the same day- example daily specials
Du jour Menu
When a restaurant offers each food and beverage item priced and serve separately, it is called?
A la carte
What type of menu offers customers the same foods and dishes everyday for a long period of time?
Fixed Menu