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Estimate the total distance that Ethan hiked by rounding each number to the nearest whole number.
52 miles
Round 582.091 to the nearest whole number.
Which number is 10 times as great as 0.5?
What is the value of the 3 in 8,531,980.45
On which DATE was a U.S. dollar worth the greatest number of euros?
February 17
Ashley's cat weighs 12.37 pounds. What is this weight written as a mixed number?
12 37/100
A rectangle is 25 feet long. It's area is 375 square feet. What is the width of the rectangle? What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
The width is 15 feet. The perimeter is 80 feet.
Maleia has a dog with a mass of thirty-eight and ninety-seven hundredths kilograms. What is the dog's mass in standard form?
Write 2 decimals greater than 7.7 and less than 7.8?
Using the number 62,644, which digit is 100 times greater than another digit? Be specific.
The 6 in 60,000 is 100 times greater than the 6 in 600.
0.008 is 1/10 of what decimal?
Write 4.029 in expanded form using multiplication.
(4 x 1) + (2 x 1/100) + 9 x 1/1,000)
Sajan's best swim race so far is 3.01 minutes. He wants to try to swim the distance 0.02 of a minute faster. If he is successful, what will his new best time?
3.01 - 0.02 = 2.99
A gem expert has three gemstones. Their masses in grams are 0.809, 0.098, and 0.890. Which mass is the greatest?
What is 0.574 rounded to the nearest tenth?
What is the total amount that Mr. Franklin spent on gas these 3 days?
Mr. Johnson works 80 hours each pay period. His salary is $20 per hour. How much money does he earn in 10 pay periods?
1,600 x 10 = $16,000
The sports field at Big Creek Elementary is shaped like a rectangle. The field is 72 yards long and 46 yards wide. What is the area of the field in square yards?
3,312 square yards
A parking lot has 68 rows with 24 parking spaces in each row. What is the total number of parking spaces?
1,632 parking spaces
Write the following in standard form. (9 x 100) + ( 8 x 1) + (2 x 1/10) + (5 x 1/1,000)
Find the product of 55 x 396.
Round 25.4067 to the nearest hundredth.
Mrs. Gilchrist teaches her 23 homeroom students to make origami birds. Each student can make about 2 birds in one minute. ABOUT how many birds can ALL the students make in 55 minutes?
2,400 birds or 3,000 birds
Which diver has the third highest point total?
Leita earned $127.59 last week. Chance earned $127.95 last week. Caitlyn earned $127.05 last week. What are the earnings written in order from least to greatest?
$127.05 $127.59 $127.95
Find the difference. 862 - 317.87