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Present Simple and Past Simple Passive

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The postman delivered all the letters between 3 and 5.
All the letters were delivered between 3 and 5.
A homeless man won the lottery.
The lottery was won by a homeless man.
They built this theater in 1878.
The theater was built in 1878.
They offered him a job last week.
He was offered a job last week.
The police arrested the thieves yesterday.
The thieves were arrested yesterday.
Somebody rang the bell a few minutes ago.
The bell was rung a few minutes ago.
Everybody forgot the whole story in a few days.
The whole story was forgotten in a few days.
How did they steal the car in the afternoon?
How was the car stolen in the afternoon?
Did the boy sell all the candies?
Were all the candies sold?
The teacher corrected the mistakes after the test.
The mistakes were corrected after the test.
They don't sell fresh produce every day.
Fresh produce isn't sold every day.
Do they grow rice in Spain?
Is rice grown in Spain?
They export Italian wine to the USA.
Italian wine is exported to the USA.
They build new houses every month.
New houses are built every month.
They make cookies here.
Cookies are made here.
They accept US dollars in Dubai.
US dollars are accepted in Dubai.
People speak English all over the world.
English is spoken all over the world.
They clean the beach every morning.
The beach is cleaned every morning.
The gardener waters the flowers every day.
The flowers are watered every day.