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Signal words for five tenses and passives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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... you had waited, we could have gone together.
... we had waited for half an hour, we went home.
... they had told her the good news, she smiled.
... we had finished our exams, we went out and celebrated.
... I get home early, we'll go out for a meal.
... I get home tonight, Doris will be out at a meeting.
... I get home, the whole family will be there.
... I get home, the dog will need to be fed straight away.
... the weather was better, we'd go for a walk.
... it rained yesterday at midday, did you get wet?
... you went to Brighton last year, did you go on the pier?
... World War II was over, everyone was relieved.
Where have you been?
What did you do?
Where are you going to go on holiday this year?
How did your presentation go?
He's been playing the guitar.
They know each other.
They started the band.
He's going to be the lead guitarist.
Going there by car is probably easier.
The worst idea would be to try to walk there.
It's fairly easy to get there by train.
We've never tried taking the bus.
That's much better.
That's the best one.
That one isn't as good.
You need a good online dictionary.
The economy is in a worse state.
He's a very clever politician.
The internet is the most important modern invention.
It's not as cold today.
Have they finished setting the chairs out for the exam?
Which room have they chosen for the exam?
Where have you put the exam papers?
When did the speaking examiner turn up?
Are you ready?
Where were they?
What are you doing?
Which dress have you chosen for the dance?
They haven't finished painting the windows.
They've bought some more white paint.
They hadn't bothered to put up 'wet paint' signs.
If you'd seen it before, you would have understood.
Have you heard from your cousin?
I've seen this film.
He's in the bathroom.
We're waiting for the start signal.
My neighbour has been to America.
My friend hasn't got a dog.
I haven't seen the neighbours.
My cousin hasn't phoned me.
Joan has been vaccinated.
Fred hasn't been vaccinated.
I didn't find any information about vaccinations.
We didn't find out about it until the last moment.
I've switched the heater off.
Kevin put the television off.
Please lock the door when you leave.
Jane hasn't emptied the dishwasher.
We were held up on our journey.
We were worried about getting there on time.
We were driving faster than usual.
We were excited about meeting all the family again.
They have just had their roof repaired.
They have just had a problem with the roof.
They have just had lunch.
They have just had a repair man there to advise them.
It'll be done tomorrow.
It'll be fine.
It'll probably be nice weather tomorrow.
It might rain.
She has had her eyes tested.
He has had a problem with his hearing recently.
Mr Smith has tested the water quality in his house.
Ms Atkinson has had a vaccination.
The hedges are cut.
The trees are growing.
The flowers are really pretty at this time of year.
The grass is quite long now.
The donkeys are being fed at the moment.
The goats are really cute, don't you think?
There are some lambs which you can see in spring.
The people who run this place are animal lovers.
I'm paid monthly in advance.
I'm a nurse in an old people's home.
I'm doing shift work at the moment.
I'm lucky because I can get some sleep on night duty.
This house was bought in 1957.
In 1958 a family moved into this house.
In 1966 the owners of this house put in new windows.
This house was empty from 1955 to 1957,
The entrance was being decorated.
The house was very large and spacious.
The door was already open
There was a big garden with five tall trees.
at the moment
Kinga is making a pizza for her family.
Li walked to school.
Jalen plays basketball.
Ben and Matt went to the park.
We're looking for the post office.
Matt takes a photo of his dog in the garden.
The shopping centre was very noisy.
Some people were going to the library.
He was having lunch.
You didn't listen to me.
We got home.
They like funny TV programmes.
Kinga's mum eats healthy food.
Kinga is buying chocolate.
Kinga's brother was having lunch.
We're meeting Kinga at a fast food place.
Matt goes to school on his bike.
Matt's mum was making a chocolate cake.
I'm buying healthy food.
Mr Taylor took Class 8MT to London in 2020.
Matt wears a black jacket.
Ben is playing basketball with Jalen.
Jalen was flying to Germany.
We're watching TV.
every day
Matt takes his dog to the park.
We were having breakfast.
Ruby was born.
Ruby's hamster died.
two years ago
Li's family moved to Plymouth.
Jalen visits his dad in the USA-
We're learning English.
It rains a lot.
Kinga was playing football with Ben and Li.
Ben loves playing football.
Maths is Mr Taylor's favourite subject.
Jalen doesn't know all of his dad's friends.
We were having lunch.
Kinga doesn't eat vegetables.
The children didn't go down to the harbour.
The children like the playground.
Kinga and Li don't do their homework together.
We were eating.
The dog is doing tricks.
The neighbours aren't washing their car.
every week
Jalen's dad phones Jalen.
Jalen is playing basketball.
Jalen was thinking about the next holidays.
Jalen's dad is playing golf.
Kinga's mum was making the dinner.
She doesn't like potatoes.
Tom Daley moved to Plymouth in 1986.
That's the wrong answer.
last weekend
Li wrote a letter to her grandma.
Hong doesn't write letters.
Li and Hong are visiting their grandma.
The weather is nice.
It's raining.
The dog goes into the garden.
We had a great time in Italy.
They were eating chips.
We were waiting.
She doesn't cook any meat.
She knows the neighbours.
It didn't rain.
The boys went to the supermarket for crisps.
Jalen buys some butter for his mum.
The children are playing in the garden.
Kinga and Li feel fine.
Jalen is having a shower.
Uncle Shawn talks to Alex.
It was very noisy in the classroom.
They could hear the water on the rocks.
We were having a picnic.
He saw the teacher.
She knew the answer.
I suddenly dropped a plate.
Matt sleeps at his mum's house.
Ben is staying at home.
Li was learning to dive.
Kinga is reading a girls' magazine.
Li's dad is driving into the garage.
Li's mum makes Chinese food.
Li's sister did her homework.
Li was writing a letter.
The cat brought a mouse into the house.
Li eats healthy food.
Kinga is playing football with her brother and sister.
Jalen knows a lot about Los Angeles.
Two years ago
We didn't need masks.
A lot of people are ill.
We're lying on the beach in Italy.
We go to the theatre.
at the moment
I'm learning Spanish with an app.
Matt eats some biscuits.
The door closed.
They opened the window to let some fresh air in.
Mr Taylor told the class about the school trip.
The English teacher makes jokes.
It's really sunny weather.
They sail a boat on the lake.
Kinga and her family don't go to Poland in the summer.
Kinga's brother is eating at a fast food place.
We were going to Italy in the summer.
The neighbours' dog is digging a hole in the garden.
Li looks at the clock in the maths lessons.
It's snowing in Devon.
The girls were doing a parachute jump.
I'm shouting.
three weeks ago
A new teacher started at the school.
We have cornflakes for breakfast.
The girls are singing in a concert.
We buy a new wardrobe.
last year
Jalen bought a guitar.
We were listening to music.
I feel happy.
Jalen is visiting his dad in the USA.
They had a great time on the football field.
Matt doesn't sleep at his mum's house.
Ruby is cleaning the rabbits' cage.
We're winning our football game.
every week
Ben helps his grandad in the garden.
Kinga is riding her bike.
It was snowing.
He's drawing a picture.
You give me good ideas.
They were playing football at the park.
They are eating pizza.
You're having problems.
That dog is doing tricks.
The boys smile.
The bus was late.
We were watching TV.
Dad is shouting.
The birds sing in the trees.
Mum was talking to Grandma on the phone.
Matt played his guitar.
he's watching TV
they play basketball
the cat was catching a mouse
she listens to her favourite song on the radio
at the moment
I'm making a cake
You do your homework
they were waiting
he found some money
She's looking at holiday photos.
They play a computer game.
They saw an elephant
You weren't listening