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Pancake Day

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True or False: The second side of a pancake takes half the amount of time to cook as the first.
True! It's a good tip to remember!
On average people consume _________ per person on Shrove Tuesday.
two pancakes
three pancakes
six pancakes
one pancake
In the UK, ___ million eggs are eaten on Pancake Day.
52 million eggs, which is 22 million more than on any other day of the year!
In the US, Pancake Day is commonly known as...
'Mardi Gras’, which is French for ‘Fat Tuesday’
The most pancake flips in two minutes is...
True or False: You can make pancakes with only three ingredients.
True! All you need is flour, eggs and milk!
How big was the biggest pancake in the world?
15 metres
13 metres
17 metres
12 metres
When was the first pancake day?
The most pancake flips in a minute is...
What is "abstinence"?
A period of refraining (not doing) from something.
What does the verb "shrive" mean?
To confess
Apart from cooking pancakes, what else takes place in the UK on Shrove Tuesday?
Many games and activities, such as pancake races.
What did people traditionally eat on the last day before Lent?
Whatever was left in their kitchen.
What was Shrove Tuesday in the old days?
A day of confession.
What does the winner in Olney receive?
A kiss by the bell ringer.
Who does the winner in Olney have to give their pancake to?
The bell ringer.
True or False: The race in Olney is 375 metres long.
Who can take part in the famous race in Olney?
Housewives, wearing an apron.
Who is the winner of a pancake race?
The person who completes the race first with the pancake still intact.
What do racers have to do in pancake races?
Run a short track flipping a pancake in a pan.
Apart from chocolate and fruit, what is another popular pancake topping?
Lemon and sugar
Are British pancakes thin or thick?
When is Shrove Tuesday?
It's 47 days before Easter, which is the last day before Lent begins.
What is another name for Pancake Day?
Shrove Tuesday