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What did Cinderelle do when the coach threw her the basketball?
She spun it on her fingers.
What did Cinderelle leave behind when she ran out of Madison Square Garden?
One of her sneakers.
What did Super Fans win?
Tickets for the next NBA season.
What time would the spell wear off?
At midnight.
What did the fairy turn into a basketball?
The subway card.
What did the fairy godmother give Cinderelle?
A new Knicks jersey and new sneakers.
Why did Cinderelle ride the subway?
To get batteries for the camera.
Why did Cinderelle's stepsisters want to go to the semifinals?
To watch the cheerleaders and see the routines.
Cinderelle's family was invited to _________.
The NBA finals at Madison Square Garden.
What was Cinderelle doing when her stepsisters asked her to grab their pom poms?
She was watching the NBA semifinals.
Cinderelle's evil stepsisters loved _______.
Cinderelle Whywas a great _____ player.
The story was set in _____.
New York