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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I bought a new fridge, but I live on the third floor. What will I do?
You will have your fridge delivered to your door.
My cat hasn't eaten in two days and it looks mopy. What I should do?
You should have it tested by the vet.
She didn't make the cake for the party herself. What did she do?
She had the cake made for the party.
She wants to publish her work in a magazine, but it cannot be published without editor's approval. What does she have to do?
She has to have her article approved by the editor.
Michael doesn't like cleaning, but his house is always very tidy. What does he do?
He has his house cleaned regularly.
Betty has got a toothache. What is she going to do?
She is going to have her teeth checked.
After driving in the mud for an hour, George’s car became very dirty. What is he doing?
He’s having it washed.
Their living room was green last week and now it’s blue. What have they done?
They’ve had it repainted.
After the snowboarding accident, Joe cannot walk properly. What happened?
He had his leg broken.
Silvia doesn’t trust her husband. She wants to find out where he is at all times. What is she going to do?
She’s going to have him followed.
Kate always makes sure that she wears the correct contact lenses. What does she do?
She has her eyes tested.
Paul’s smartphone is working again. What has he done?
He’s had it repaired.
Their windows are no longer dirty. What have they done?
They’ve had them cleaned.
Ania is at the hairdresser’s. What is she doing?
She’s having her hair cut.