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Have got - Has got
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He ________ many papers.
has got
I ________ (not) a toy plane.
haven't got
Jay and Jill _______ many candies.
have got
It ________ (not) a golden star.
hasn't got
Bee ________ a colourful flower.
has got
Vivian and I _______ some halloween costumes.
have got
My grandma ________ two kittens.
has got
I _______ (not) a blue teddy bear.
haven't got
You _______ a purple pencil case.
have got
Ted _______ (not) a notebook.
hasn't got
Sushi and Max ________ (not) any bottles.
haven't got
The dog ______ a bone.
has got
My sister ______ a beautiful dress for her birthday.
has got
You and I ________ (not) cupcakes.
haven't got
Alex ______ (not) a magic wand.
hasn't got
John and Tony ________ many golden coins.
have got
You _______ a fluffy dog.
have got
Jack _______ some pears.
has got
Mary and I _______ (not) any books.
haven't got
He ______ new trainers.
has got
She ______ halloween pumpkins.
has got