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Compact B1 vocabuary Units 1-3 (James)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Adrian always dresses so f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ly!!!!!
Adrian always dresses so fashionably!!!!!
I would love to p_ _ _ _ _de you all to h_ _ d in your homework on t_ _e.
I would love to persuade you all to hand in your homework on time.
James never lets us do what we want, he's really st_ _ _t!
James never lets us do what we want, he's really strict!
I'm really looking _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to my class on zoom!
I'm really looking forward to my class on zoom!
Spock has flown into a planet again - I'm so dis_ _ _ _ _ _ _ed in him!
Spock has flown into a planet again - I'm so disappointed in him!
What a beautigul necklace she is wearing!
What a beautigul n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ she is wearing!
She is suggesting that you are not very polite!
She is suggesting that you are not very _ _ _ _ _ _!
Alma was working extremely hard to h_ _ _ her work _ _ on time!
Alma was working extremely hard to hand her work in on time!
This girl is e_ _ _ _r _ _ ing us!
This girl is encouraging us!
I would like to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for my behaviour!
I would like to apologise for my behaviour!
Some Great a_ _ _ _!
Some Great advice!