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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What teachers and staff can reach out to if you have a question?
Which country is home to Kangaroos?
What superhero can climb up walls and buildings?
What pet animal does Harry potter have?
What is the name of the pirate in peter pan ?
Captain Hook!
Name 3 pokemon !
pikachu, charizard, evee, ditto,bulbasuar,squirtale
Name 2 beaches that you enjoy going to and why ?
Malibu, Long Beach, Venus, Newport ....
What flower is the city of Pasadena known for ? Hint: every year there is a __ parade on New Years Day.
What stadium is in Pasadena? Hint: the turkey tussle is played here between John Muir High School and Pasadena High School.
Name 3 schools in pasadena....
Blair, PHS, Norma Coombs, Muir, Marshal, Madison, Mkinley, Sierra Madre Elementary/Middle etc.
What is the only fruit to have seeds on the outside?
What does a caterpillar turn into ?
Abu in the Disney movie, Aladdin, is which animal?
Name a basketball team !
Lakers, Clippers, Miami Heat, Golden State Warriors, .....
Sending your teacher a message when you don't understand and assignment IS okay ?TRUE of FALSE?
When having a conversation with someone it is important to stay on topic. TRUE of FALSE?
It's okay to do something different than what the teacher assigned when you are in class. TRUE of FALSE?
When speaking to someone your body SHOULD NOT be facing them. TRUE or FALSE?
You SHOULD listen to the other person while they are speaking.TRUE or FALSE ?
You DO NOT look at the person you are talking to. TRUE or FALSE?
Sending a staff member a message through Google Chats is okay.TRUE or FALSE?
Sending a teacher an email about SCHOOL WORK is okay.TRUE of FALSE?
It's okay to interrupt someone while they are talking?TRUE or FALSE