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Family is Family

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She coming all the way _____ from Canada to USA so she can be with her boyfriend.
Please, turn___ the TV. I can't listen to what the host is saying.
I grew____knowing I wanted to be a doctor.
My father is always complaining_______ my behavior.
She is feeling sorry____her son. He didn't pass the test.
I'm ashamed_____ you for posting this kind of thing on social media.
The best way to count syllables in English is to:
Pay attention to the vowel sounds (count them)
Talk about one thing that is in progress in you life. (Present progressive)
Ex: I'm working at CNA
Talk about one of your habits using Present Simple
Ex: I water my plants every morning.
Using one of the expressions we learned on Exploring 1, tell us about what is important to your family
Ex: We absolutely insist on sharing all of our secrets with each other.
Explain "blood is thicker than water"
family relationships are stronger than other relationships
"the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" means:
To be similar to one's parents in many ways
A woman who becomes pregnant for the purpose of carring the fetus to term to another woman is:
surrogate mother
The man married to my mother but it's not my father is called:
A person who has to raise his/her child alone is called
single parent
The wife-to-be on the day of her wedding is called: