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Australian Animals

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Give 3 examples of marsupials.
Kangaroo, koala, wombat, wallaby.
How long does a kookaburra live?
It lives up to 25 years.
What language do people speak in Australia.
People speak English in Australia.
Is the koala a bear?
No, it isn’t.
How many eggs does a sea turtle lay?
It lays 180 eggs.
What determines the sea turtle’s sex?
The temperature of the sand.
What are polyps?
Polyps are animals that form coral.
How do kangaroos move?
They hop.
What do koalas do during the day?
They sleep.
What do koalas eat?
They eat eucalyptus leaves.
What is this?
It's a neck.
What animal is this?
It's the emu.
Do black swans have a short neck?
No, they don’t.
What is the kookaburra famous for?
It’s famous for the sound it makes, which is similar to human laugh.
What animal is this?
It's the Tasmanian devil.
Are dingos mammals?
Yes, they are.
How many eggs does an echidna lay per year?
It lays on egg per year.
Is the platypus a fish?
No, it isn’t.
What animal is this?
This is the wallaby.
What animal is this?
It's a wombat.
What are the two mammals that lay eggs?
The platypus and the echidna.
What are these?
These are webbed feet.
What is the body part common in all marsupials, in which they carry their babies?
It's a pouch.
What is this?
It's a bill or beak.
What is this?
It's a tail.