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CAE Participle Clauses and Vocab'

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What begins with "f" and is one of the only things I enjoy about life?
What does "hectic" mean?
What does "to venture out" mean?
What does "blend" mean?
What does "mingle" mean?
What does "grotty" mean?
What does "forage" mean?
What does "tide" mean?
After correcting his 20th rubbish writing the English teacher regretted _______ to become a teacher. (choose)
Having chosen.
_______ paella because it's mediocre, I declined the offer to go to El Palmar. (like)
Not liking.
________ a brain, the man continued to wear the mask below his nose. (have)
Not having.
_______ of the noise from the park the English teacher reached for his shotgun. (tire)
______ mentally retarded I turned on "Sálvame". (be)
______ the group of young people not wearing masks I immediately ran in the opposite direction. (see)
Despite _________ it many times the English teacher still didn't understand why people drink horchata. (try)
Trying / Having tried it.
________ to anything that Chris explained, my writing was crappy. (listen)
Not having listened
The sign _____ on the wall said "don't congregate outside the bar" but people ignored it. (hang)
Hanging / Hung
_______ by Pablo Hasél I attacked my local PP office. (inspired)
Inspired / Having been inspired
________ in days I fell asleep while Chris was explaining participle clauses. (sleep)
Not having slept