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Grade 4/ Unit 6/ Comparatives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A person is ............................of all the creatures.(intelligent/ stupid)
the most intelligent
The fish is ............................................. of them.(quiet/noisy) bird, monkey
the quietest
A fish is ........................................... a bird.(noisy/quiet)
quieter than
A monkey is ............................................ a bird. (noisy/quiet)
more noisy than
The elephant is ........................................... of them. (heavy/light) (polar bear, dog)
the heaviest
A dog is ........................................... a polar bear.(heavy/light)
lighter than
An elephant is ............................................ a polar bear. (heavy/light)
heavier than
The tortoise is ............................................. of them.(fast/slow)
the slowest
A tortoise is ............................................... a rabbit.(fast/slow)
slower than
- A cheetah is .............................................. a rabbit.(fast/slow)
faster than
The giraffe is ........................................... of them. (tall/short)
the tallest
A zebra is ............................................... a camel.(tall/short)
shorter than
A giraffe is .............................................. a camel.(tal/short)
taller than
The goldfish is .............................................. of them.(big/small)
the smallest
The whale is ........................................... of them. (big/small)
the biggest
A goldfish is ............................................... a shark.(big/small)
A whale is .............................................. a shark. (big small)