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Subjects and Predicates

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of the following words are not nouns? runner, run, painter, oil, sister, wait, mother
run, wait
Find the subject and predicate in the following sentence: My car was covered in snow this morning.
Subject: car Predicate: was covered
Which of the following is not a verb? hold, act, school, save, study, fix
Which of the following is not a noun? girl, he, paper, carry, soda, house
What are the subject and predicate in the following sentence? When asked a question, you should always answer politely.
Subject: you Predicate: should answer
What part of speech are the following? is, are, run, ask, write
What part of speech are the following? She, it, they, Karl, pool, book
What part of speech are the following? Kelly, girl, sign, happiness, New York, car
Which is missing in the following sentence. Subject or predicate After going fishing, Sam and I.
Which part of the following sentence is missing? Subject or predicate? Many of us.
What part of speech is the subject?
Is a predicate a NOUN or a VERB?
My sister is annoying. What is the predicate?
Kelly said to run fast! Which is the predicate: SAID or RUN
We went to ski for winter break. Is the predicate WENT or SKI?
What is the predicate of this sentence? We were going to the race.
were going
What is the subject of this sentence: The platypus dove quickly beneath the water.