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Unit 1 Quiz #2 Review
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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**Challenge** What would the solution of |x + 1| < -10 be and how do you know?
No Solution because absolute value cannot be negative - This says all answers are less than -10 which cannot happen!
When you get an answer like "14 < 1", what would the answer be?
No Solution
When you get an answer like "56 > -43" what would the answer be?
All Real Numbers
What do you have to do in an inequality if you multiply or divide by a negative number?
Flip the inequality symbol
Question #40: − 3 − 6 |4x −10| < −87
x > 6 or x < -1
Question #39: |3n + 8| +1 > 5
n > -4/3 or n < -4
Question #38: |v - 3|/-5 > -1
v < 8 and v > -2
Question #37: |9 − a| ≥ 2
a ≤ 7 or a ≥ 11
Question #36: 10 + 2w ≥ 22 or 5w - 8 > -12
w ≥ 6 or w < -4/5
Question #35: 9y – 2 < 13 and 3y – 2 > -29
y < 5/3 and y > -9
Question #34: 7 – 3x ≤ -20 or 5x – 6 ≤ 9
x ≥ 9 or x ≤ 3
Question #33: 7p + 5 ≤ -37 and -10p < 10
No Solution
Question #32: m + 5 > 11 or 8 – 10m ≥ 33
m > 6 or m ≤ -5/2
Question #31: -18 ≤ 2b - 8 < -8
b ≥ -5 and b < 0
Question #30: -5/3(9/10x + 15) < 7 - (8 - 9/2x)
x > -4
Question #29: 11(5u – 4) – 7u ≥ 8(6u – 7)
All Real Numbers
Question #28: -11 – 8k ≥ 23 – (7 – 4k)
k ≤ -9/4
Question #27: 33x – 8(3x + 9) > -9
x > 7