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Reproduction in Plants

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Which number of the pollen grains that involved in insect pollination?
No 1
What is the function of petals in flower
atrtract insects/ pollinators to the flower
The process when two gametes join and their nuclei fuse together is called as
Name #7
Name #6
These protect the flower while it is in the bud. What is it?
Involves two gametes. What type of reproduction is it?
Sexual reproduction
Links the stigma to the ovary
What part of the flower supports the anther?
Mention 2 advantages of asexual reproduction
Shorter time to have a mature plants, Create a lot of identical plants
What is the process of seed developing into a plant called?
Give three requirements for a seed to germinate
water, warmth (suitable temperature), oxygen
What name is given to the transfer of pollen from the anther of one plant onto the stigma of a different plant?
cross pollination
What name is given to the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower, or to another flower of the same plant?
Self pollination
Seeds are dispersed away from the parent plant so that when they germinate they don't compete for resources. Give 2 resources plants compete for.
Light, Water, mineral ions
Which part of the flower becomes a fruit following fertilisation?
Which part of the flower becomes a seed following fertilisation?
The ovule
Name the 2 parts that make up the male stamen of a flower
Anther and filament
Name the 3 parts that make up the female carpel/ pistil of a flower
Stigma, Style & Ovary
Give 2 structural adaptations of an insect pollinated flower
stigma inside petals, stamens (or anthers) inside petal, nectary, larger/brighter petals
Give 2 structural adaptations of wind pollinated flowers
feathery stigma, stigma is outside petals, stamens (or anthers) outside petals, no nectar, smaller/less bright petals
What 2 methods of pollination are used by most flowers?
Insects & wind
Which specific part of the flower produces pollen?
Pollination is the transfer of pollen from ______ to _______
Anther to Stigma
Where specifically are the ovules stored?
What is the function of the flower?
What is the name of the male part(s) of the flower?
What is the name of the female part of the flower?
carpel/ pistil