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GA Big Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(can/can’t) Make a sentence: Walter and Laura _____ sing. (-/can)
(can/can’t) Order the sentence: dance / on stage/ the boys / can / ?
Can the boys dance on stage?
(can/can’t) Make a sentence about: Kangaroos
Kangaroos can jump a few feet.
(can/can’t) Make a sentence about: Fish
Fish can swim quickly.
(can/can’t) Order the sentence: help / can't / in the garden / Niko
Niko can't help in the garden
(There is or There are) Interrogative: ______ something behind the door?
Is there
(There is or There are) Interrogative: ______ seven days in a week?
Are there
(There is or There are) ________ no snails in my garden.
There are
(There is or There are) ________ no milk in the fridge.
There is
(some or any) She always takes _____ sugar with her coffee.
(some or any) Pam does not have _____ pencils on her desk.
(much or many): lemonade
(much or many) How _____ countries are there in the world?
(a little or a few) I haven't got many magazines, only __________.
a few
(a little or a few) Could I have ______ milk in my coffee, please?
a little
(a few | a little) We have ______ ketchup and ______ sausages left.
a little, a few
(Have got) Think about it and fill in the blank: France __________ dollars.
hasn't got
(Have got) Think about it and fill in the blank: English flags ________ the color green.
haven't got
(Have got) Fill in the blank: ___ Don ___ a bag?
Has Don got a bag?
(Have got) MAKE THE QUESTION: your friends/ phones?
Have your friends got phones?
(Have got) MAKE THE QUESTION: your classroom/ a computer
Has your classroom got a computer?
(Present Simple) Fill in the blank: She ______ to Orlando every summer. (to fly)
(Present Simple) Form a question: why / you / to ride / your bike / every Tuesday
Why do you ride your bike every Tuesday?
(Present Simple) Which verb forms are correct: she are, she has, she hase, she is, she plaies, she plays
she has, she is, she plays
Which of the following words ARE used as signal words in the Present Simple: always, at the moment, every day, now, often, sometimes, yesterday.
always, every day, often,sometimes
(Present Simple) Negate the sentence: She sits on a chair.
She does not sit on a chair.