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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your partner is visiting your home, ask him/ her ... put this in the trash
Would you mind putting this in the trash ?
Your partner is visiting your home, ask him/ her ... help me with the dishes
Would you mind helping me with the dishes?
Your partner is visiting your home, ask him/ her ... make some coffee
Would you mind making some coffee?
Your partner is visiting your home, ask him/ her ... answer the door for me
Would you mind answering the door for me?
You're at your partner's house and you want to ... drink water
Do you mind if I drink some water?
You're at your partner's house and you want to ... use your bathroom
Do you mind if I use your bathroom?
You're at your partner's house and you want to ... charge your phone
Do you mind if I charge my phone?
You're at your partner's house and you want to ... take a cookie
Do you mind if I take a cookie?
You need ... help with some homework.
Would you mind helping me with my homework?
You need ... to borrow some headphones
Do you mind if I borrow your headphones?
You want someone to ... introduce you to their friend.
Would you mind introducing me to your friend?
You want someone to ... find a phone number online for you
Would you mind finding a phone number online?
You want someone to ... • help install software on your laptop
Would you mind helping me install some software on my laptop?