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Credit vs. Debit Cards

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False- a transaction can take 3-5 business days to post to your account.
At the end of each month the credit card company will send you a _______ that informs you of all the transactions from that month.
When you have a credit card or loan you are _______ money from a bank or credit card company.
When you owe someone money you are in ________.
At what age can you start developing a credit score independently?
What is one downfall to having a low credit score?
Answers will vary
What is one benefit to having a high credit score?
Answers will vary
True or False - Your credit score is randomly assigned to you
If you have a bank account you can get a ______ card.
What age do you have to be to apply for a credit card?
Which card keeps a running balance all month and then send a bill at the end of the month?
Credit Card
Whose money is associated with a debit card?
It is your own money
Interest rates for credit cards are ______.
This is maximum amount of money you can charge to your credit card
Spending Limit/ Credit Line
What are you charged if you carry over a balance each month?
Interest Rate/ APR
This is the minimum amount of money you have to pay each month to stay in good standings with the credit card company
Minimum Payment