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G/L 5B Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What would the meaning of CHROMCHRON be?
coloring time
What's the likely meaning of HYPERTELE?
Overly distant
What would NOXCHRON mean?
night time
What would a MACROPOD be?
Something with a large foot
What would HYPERSECT mean?
over cut
If Theism means a belief in god, what is the difference between polytheism and monotheism?
poly has many gods, mono has one
Which will get you to your goal quicker? PROCEED or RECEDE
What does a thermometer do?
measures temperature
macro is to mega as poly is to _______
What is a chronometer?
A device for measuring time. A watch
"That guys brain is miniscule." How does that describe his brain?
A centimeter is a measurement equaling 1/___ of a meter
Define HYPODERMIC needle using the definition of both parts of the word.
A needle that goes under the skin
Why is the equator called the equator?
because it divides the globe into 2 equal hemispheres
Which would most people want, a mini-present or a mega-present?
Probably mega-present
If you are hyperactive you are....
over active
What does CHRON mean? Color or time?
Which does not mean BIG? macro - mini - mega - micro
micro & mini
What is the literal meaning of multimillionaire?
To have many millions of dollars
What does the root poly mean?
What does the root macro mean?
long, large
What does the root equ mean?
equal, same
What does the root pro mean?
What does the root mega mean?
big, large
What is the meaning of the root hypo?
under, below