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Venture into first for schools Unit 8
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The guide was great, so no one understood why Kim objected ___ leaving a tip
if there is a storm, keep away ___ lightning.
Some places insist___ seeing your ID before they'll let you in
Carlos is afraid ___ snakes
I had my phone stolen, but dad's going to help me pay ___ a new one
Keep your phone in its case to protect the screen ___ getting scratched
Lizzie's really looking forward ___ going to the beach
It's important to be aware ___ the dangers of swimming in the sea
I'm going to the library to prepare _____ tomorrow's test.
Be careful/ to be alert to the danger (of)
Watch out (for). Give an example
Discovered to be/ the result was...
To turn out (to be). Give an example
To test something
Try (sth) out. Give an example
To remove something/ To take somebody somewhere and pay for them
Take out. Give an example
To be easily seen or notice
Stand out. Give an example
To use and finish (something)
Run out (of sth). Give an example
To extinguish (fire/cigarete)
Put (sth) out. Give an example
To cause people notice somthing/somebody
Point out. Give an example
To see or hear with difficulty
Make (sth) out. Give an example
To spend time with somebody.
Hang out with (sb). Give an example
To leave your house to do something/ To stop shining or burning
Go out. Give an example
To stop speaking to or being friendly with somebody because of disagreement.
Fall out (with sb). Give an example
To become extinct
Die out. Give an example
To eliminate something
Cut (sth) out. Give an example
To remove from a list
Cross (sth) out/off. Give an example
To write something exactly as it is written somewhere else
Copy out (sth). Give an example
To be published/released
Come out. Give an example
To spend time relaxing
Chill out. Give an example
To shout
Call out. Give an example
To invite somebody to go out with you
Ask (sb) out. Give an example