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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is the use of technology changing people for the better. . . or worse?
I think... / I don’t think ... I believe... / I don’t believe ...
Is tourism beneficial to the environment?
I think... / I don’t think ... I believe... / I don’t believe ... Yes, I agree! I totally agree! I couldn’t agree more! I don’t agree! I totally disagree!
Companies should be taxed on their carbon emissions and other negative environmental impacts.
For me, Personally, I think ... I couldn’t agree more! I see exactly what you mean! You're right. That's a good point. I don’t agree!
Religion does more harm than good.
For me, Personally, I think ... That’s partly true, but ... I'm not so sure about that.
Barbie is a good role model for young girls.
I believe... / I don’t believe ... In my opinion, I agree up to a point, but ... I see your point, but ...
Rich people and large corporations should pay more taxes.
I believe... / I don’t believe ... In my opinion, That’s not right! I’m not sure about that. You're right. That's a good point.
Education should focus on maths and science rather than music and art.
For me, Personally, I think ...Do you think that’s right? What’s your view? Are you OK with that? I'm not so sure about that.
Do you need homework in order to learn?
I think... / I don’t think ... I believe... / I don’t believe ...I don’t agree! I totally disagree!That’s right! Absolutely! Exactly!
Contact sports should be required in school.
For me, Personally, I think ...I see exactly what you mean! You're right. That's a good pThat’s partly true, but ... I'm not so sure about that.oint.
All students should have to purchase a laptop.
That’s right! Absolutely! Exactly! I agree up to a point, but ...I don’t agree!
A college degree is essential for getting a good job.
I think... / I don’t think ... I believe... / I don’t believe ...,I’m not sure about that.