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A2 Com.Cl.6 FL past present habits

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He never didn’t participated in a marathon.
He HAS never PARTICIPATED in a marathon // OR// He HASN’T participated in a marathon.
You keep to try lifting weights in the gym?
DO you keep TRYING lifting weights in the gym?
Parent keep to believe that their children are very young and innocent.
PARENTS keep BELIEVING that their children are very young and innocent.
Anna always keep skipping her music classes when she were a child.
Anna always KEPT skipping her music classes when she WAS a child.
They always keeping to eat a lot of fruit.
They always KEEP EATING a lot of fruit.
We used to love to go to the cinema after a long working week.
We used to love GOING to the cinema after a long working week.
I am keen on to smoke cigars after dinner.
I am keen on SMOKING cigars after dinner.
You used to be a good student at school? - No, I not used to be a good student.
DID you USE to be a good student at school? - No, I DID not USE to be a good student.
I didn’t never use to wake up early.
I  never USED to wake up early.
They used work at school when we to go to school.
They used TO work at school when we WENT to school.
Did she used to cook soup for her children?
Did she USE to cook soup for her children?
I used to like olives as a child, but I not like them now.
I used to like olives as a child, but I DON’T like them now.
Helen used to swim well when she be a child, but she aren’t a good swimmer anymore.
Helen used to swim well when she WAS a child, but she ISN’T a good swimmer anymore.