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AEP Error Correction 1 WInter 2021

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why the author wrote about poaching in a children’s book?
Why did the author write about poaching in a children's book?
The first time I drove, I was worried about I missed the right exit.
The first time I drove a car, I was worried about missing the right exit.
When my first time to drive in the US, I was frightened by the speed of the other cars.
The first time I drove... , When I first drove in the US...
Mr. Hazell didn’t polite to Danny when he pumped gas.
Mr. Hazell wasn't polite to Danny when he pumped gas.
It was very exciting and scary to driving a car
It was very exciting and scary to drive a car
Danny was exciting and scary when he drove the car
Danny was excited and scared when he drove the car. (Driving the car was exciting and scary).
When Danny was very young, his father let him drove cars into the workshop.
... let him drive cars...
He found out his father fall into a pit.
... his father had fallen into a pit. (... his father fell into a pit.)
In chapter 9, Doc Spencer told his method of poaching pheasants.
...told Danny about his method...
Danny’s father wants to poach so many pheasants that there will be any left for the party.
...there won't be any left for the party. OR there will be none left for the party.
Where Danny and his father lived?
Where did Danny and his father live?
He's father teached Danny about take apart engines.
His father taught Danny about taking apart engines.
I'm not agree that a man can't take care of babies.
I don't agree that a man can't take care of babies.
I very like movies, and I am watching movies almost every night.
I really like movies, and I watch movies almost every night. (OR I like movies a lot...)
My 15-year-old daughter is learning to drives.
My 15-year-old daughter is learning to drive.
When I had 19 years old, I want to be an astronaut.
When I was 19 years old, I wanted to be an astronaut.
My job was to care about my grandparents’ chickens. (WC)
My job was to take care of my grandparents' chickens.
My friends and me had too much fun at the party. I was a great evening. (PRON, WC)
My friends and I had a lot of fun... so much fun... (too much fun = negative)
This quote reminds me my childhood.
This quote reminds me of my childhood.
My mom was afraid to letting me alone at home.
My mom was afraid of leaving me alone at home. (OR ... letting me stay home alone.)
My mom was very protector to me.
My mom was very protective of me.
I like living in a caravan, because my families are with me. (VT, S/PL)
I would like living in a caravan, because my family would be with me