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Air Pressure and Weather Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of weather does a warm front usually bring?
Happy, calm weather
What type of weather does a cold front usually bring?
Lousy, cold weather
Explain how the stationary front in Utah happened.
The cold front is moving South and the warm front is moving North. When the two different air masses meet it creates a stationary front.
What type of front is happening in Utah?
Stationary front
Explain how the occluded front in Minnesota happened.
The cold front overtook the warm front.
What direction is the occluded front moving in Minnesota?
What type of front is moving through Minnesota?
Occluded front
What type of front is moving through Ohio?
Warm Front
Which direction is the cold front moving in Texas?
What type of front is moving through Texas?
Cold Front
Which type of front has this symbol?
Occluded Front
Which type of front has this symbol?
Stationary Front
Which type of front has this symbol?
Warm Front
Which type of front has this symbol?
Cold Front
The weather today, in this image, will most likely happen due to which type of pressure?
High Pressure
The weather on Tuesday will most likely happen due to which type of pressure?
Low Pressure
Explain high pressure in your own words.
High pressure is a downward motion of the atmosphere. The weather will be calm air and warm.
Explain low pressure in your own words.
Low pressure is when the air is rising in the upper atmosphere. The weather will be windy and cold.
Which type of pressure brings windy and cold air?
Low Pressure
Which type of pressure brings calm and warm air?
High Pressure
When the air is rising in the upper atmosphere what type of pressure is it?
Low Pressure
What is the downward motion of the atmosphere?
High Pressure
What kind of conditions are used to track weather?
Current conditions of atmosphere temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, and moisture at a specific time and place.