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The Diary of a Young Girl - Units 11-14 (revisio ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did she realize about her mother?
How did Anne feel after reading the old entries in her diary about her mother?
On Monday, 8 November 1943 Anne talks about their moods ? Can you describe or explain what she wrote about?
What happened to Mr. Kleiman?
What did Anne write about on Friday, 10 September 1943?
Chapter 12 describes many difficult moments. How do they feel? What was happening outside? What did they do inside the house?
What happened on Monday, 19 July 1943?
On chapter 12, something bad happened in the office down the annexe. Can you explain what happened?
Why did they have to give their radio away?
What did Anne get for her birthday in chapter 11?
What presents did Mr. Dussel get for his birthday?
How was food in chapter 11? What were they eating?
How were people in the annexe feeling during the air raids?
On chapter 11 everyone is quarreling in the annexe , why do you think this is happening?
On chapter 11, Anne's mother wanted to pray with her while she was lying in her bed. Why did Anne say no?
What kind of relationship did Anne have with her mother?