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Day and Night

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many planets are revolving around the Sun? What number is our planet?
8 Planets, Earth is the 3rd away from the Sun
The part of the Earth which is away from the Sun is ....... time.
The part of the Earth which face the Sun is ....... time.
If the light is above the object, the shadow will be at the?
If the light is in the left of the object, the shadow will be at the?
The sun rises in the ....... and sets in the ...........
East , West
Shadow changes ..... and ....... during the day.
size and position
Which objects forms shadow?
How does a shadow formed?
When an object blocks light.
At which time during the day the shadow is the longest?
early morning/ late afternoon
At which time during the day the shadow is the shortest?
noon/ around noon
Why Sun appear to move across the sky?
The Earth spins around its axis
The Sun is moving across the sky. True or False
What is a Sun?
It is a large star that gives off light and heat
What is an axis?
an imaginary line in which an object rotates
How long does the Earth takes to complete one revolution?
365 days/ 1 year
How long does the Earth takes to complete one rotation?
24 hours/ 1 day
What do you see?
What do you see?
How movement do the Earth have? What are they?
2 movements, Rotation and revolution