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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How old is Teacher Noel?
27 years old
What is Noel's favorite animal?
wiener dogs
Who is Teacher Noel's favorite superhero?
Dr. Strange
Who is Noel's best friend?
What did Teacher Noel have for breakfast?
Coffee and toast
Which is Noel's favorite Pokemon?
What is Teacher Noel's favorite color?
Blue and Green
When is Valentine's Day?
February 14th
What is the colour of heart?
The roses are red The violets are blue The sugar is sweet and so are _______
Which was Shakespeare’s most romantic play?
Romeo and Juliet
What kind of flowers are traditionally given to symbolize love?
What other gift sometimes accompanies a bouquet of red roses?
In Japan, what do women give men on Valentine’s Day?
How many Heart Shaped Boxes are sold in the USA for Valentine's day? 4 million, 10 million, 36 million or 60 million
36 million
How many Valentine's Cards are sent around the world? 1 million, 1 billion or 100 billion
1 billion
According to 2017 data, how much does an average American spend on Valentine's day? 15-20$, 50-60$, 100-150$ or 200-250$
100 - 150 $
True or false: around a half of wedding proposals in the U.S. happen on Valentine's day.
What is the symbol of Valentine's Day?
People send XOXO on cards and through texts. What does "XO" stand for?
hugs and kisses
The largest heart can be found in what animal?
a blue whale
Who is Mickey Mouse's girlfriend?