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The Night Before Valentine's Day

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who knocked on the door during the Valentine's Day party?
The principal knocked on the door.
What was painted on the kids faces?
What is an antonym for "bright?"
What does "decked out" mean?
decorated with
What did they decorate their classroom with?
Streamers and balloons.
What was the principal holding?
Bow and arrows.
Why were there holes in the box/present?
So the animal could breathe.
What did the principal leave behind?
a present
Who was dressed up as Cupid?
The principal
What shape were the ice cubes?
little heart shapes
What did the kids drink in school?
What was one snack the kids ate in school?
goodies, sweet cherries, grapes
Who painted the kids' faces in school?
The art teacher.
Why did the girls run away from the boys in school?
They were making kissy faces.
What game did the children play in school for Valentine's day?
Pin the heart on the donkey.
What is a bouquet?
A group/bunch of flowers arranged together for someone.
What are the 3 main colors associated with Valentine's Day?
red, pink and white
Visions of what danced in the children's heads while they slept?
Candy hearts
What did the children put on the front of the envelopes?
Each friend's name
What did the kids trim the giant heart Valentine's with?
stickers and lace
What did some of the Valentine's cards that the children made say?
"Will you be mine?", "My true Valentine."
What month is Valentine's Day in?