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Second Conditional & Subject/Object

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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David has lost his wallet. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID/DO/DOES...)
What has David lost?
Julie loves ice cream. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID/DO/DOES...)
What does Julie love?
The car is in the garage. Make this a SUBJECT question.
What is in the garage?
The earthquake damaged my house. Make this a SUBJECT question.
What damaged your house?
Daniel made a sandwich. Make this a SUBJECT question.
Who made a sandwich?
Smoking causes cancer. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID/DO/DOES...)
What does smoking cause?
Karen likes Fred. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID/DO/DOES...)
Who does Karen like?
We want some fruit juice. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID/DO/DOES...)
What do you want to drink?
Something made me ill. Make this a SUBJECT question.
What made you ill?
I met Mary on my way home. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID...)
Who did you meet on your way home?
I bought something. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID...)
What did you buy?
I saw somebody. Make this a SUBJECT question.
Who did you see?
Jill did something. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID...)
What did Jill do?
Somebody saw the accident. Make this a SUBJECT question.
Who saw the accident?
I phoned somebody. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID...)
Who did you phone?
I needed some advice, so I asked Mary. Make this an OBJECT question. (WH + DID...)
Who *did* you ask (for advice)?
(Somebody) broke the window. Make this a SUBJECT question.
Who broke the window?
If he ___________ (promise) to behave in the future, his mum ___________ (forgive) him.
If he promised to behave in the future, his mum would forgive him.
I ___________ (understand) Mr. Brown if he ___________ (speak) slowly.
I would understand Mr. Brown if he spoke slowly.
Meg sleeps only 5 hours a day. If she ___________ (sleep) longer, her health ___________ (improve) fast.
If she slept longer, her health would improve fast.
We (help) you if we (know) how.
We would help you if we knew how.
He (learn) karate, if he (have) more time
He would learn karate, if he had more time.
If we (have) a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas.
If we had a yacht, we would sail the seven seas.
She _____ (get) fit if she ___________ (walk) 3 km every day.
She would get fit if she walked 3 km every day.
If I .... (leave) now, I would catch the train.