Edit Game
Unit 24

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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D6. Today is very hot. + People get exhausted easily.
Today is very hot, so people get exhausted easily.
D5. Do your homework now. + You won't finish it on time.
Do your homework now, or you won't finish it on time.
D4. I have the flu. + I take medicine.
I have the flu, so I take medicine.
D3. Put on a hat. + You will get sunburned.
Put on a hat , or you will get sunburned.
D2. Would you like milk. + Would you like grape juice?
Would you like milk or grape juice?
C4. (or / so) Study hard, ___ you will fail the exam.
C3. (or/ so) What would you like to watch, this one ___ that one?
C2. (or / so) I have a headache, ___ I take medicine.
C1. (or / so) It is raining, ___ I can't play outside.
B4. Wear this jumper. + You will catch a cold. or
Wear this jumper, or you will catch a cold.
B3. I was tired. + I went to bed early. so
I was tired, so I went to bed early.
B2. Do you like strawberries? + Do you like apples? or
Do you like strawberries or apples?
A6. Close the window, or/so you will catch a cold.
A5. Eat breakfast, so/or you will get hungry soon.
A4. Hurry up, so/or you will be late for school.
A3. It was very sunny, so/or I put on a hat.
A2. Brian is very handsome, or/so he is popular at school.
A1. Do you want some milk or/so orange juice?