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comparatives and superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The first duck is colorful. What about the second duck? Answer in a complete sentence.
The second duck is more colorful.
In the first picture, he is happy. What is he in the second picture and how is it spelled?
The first dog is dirty. What are the other two and how are they spelled?
dirtier and dirtiest
That is the _____ bowl of noodles I've ever seen! Fill in the blank and spell your answer.
The first box has some fries. What about the other two boxes? Use complete sentences to answer.
The second box has more fries and the third has the most fries.
The first shoe has a high heel. What are the other two and how are they spelled?
higher and highest
The first pencil is short. What are the other two and how are they spelled?
shorter and shortest
Ms. Guyot is the _____ ELD teacher ever. Say and spell your answer.
The pink hair is bad. The yellow hair is _____. Say and spell your answer.
The first flower is small. What are the other two and how are they spelled?
smaller and smallest
This man is more interesting than anyone else on Earth. He is the _____ man in the world.
most interesting
The first weight is heavy. What are the next two and how are they spelled?
heavier and heaviest