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Brave Mulan
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Mulan is a Chinese story enjoyed all over the world. Is Mulan fact or fiction?
Mulan is fiction.
What links nouns or pronouns to other words in then sentence?
A preposition.
Why could girls like Mulan not join the army?
In her culture, the rules did not allow this.
In the story Brave Mulan, what was a tradition in Chinese history?
One man from every family must fight for the army.
Where does a prefix go?
At the start of the word.
Where does a suffix go?
At the end of the word.
What kind of language would a person who is deaf use?
Sign Language
Speaking and writing are both ways of expressing what?
What is history?
History is things that happened in the past.
Name 3 things, apart from language, that are part of our culture.
Beliefs, history, traditions, holidays or people