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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ben has got many stickers/ cool/ big
Ben has got many cool big stickers.
Josh is a nice/ boy/ young/ tall
Josh is a nice tall young boy.
Hana drives a pink/ car/ new to work
Hana drives a new pink car to work.
Mike jumps into a pool/ huge/ dirty
Mike jumps into a dirty huge pool.
Sarah walked in a jungle/ large/ scary
Sarah walked in a scary large jungle.
He is carrying a blue/ huge/ paper box
He is carrying a huge blue paper box.
Lulu is a cute/ dog/ two-month-old
Lulu is a cute two-month-old dog.
Nancy is a girl/ pretty
Nancy is a pretty girl.
It is a huge/ spider/ scary/ black
It is a scary huge black spider.
There is a table/ round/ small in the living room
There is a round small table in the living room.
The hero fights with an black/ ugly/ monster/ large
The hero fights with an ugly large black monster.
David bought a ring/ gold / big
David bought a big gold ring.
Jane has got hair/new
Jane has got new hair.
I saw an witch/ old/ evil/ short in the movie
I saw an evil short old witch in the movie.
She gave me a cute/ puppy/ white/ small
She gave me a cute small white puppy.
John lives in a house/ beautiful/ huge/ new
John lives in a beautiful huge new house.
I lost my teddy/ pink/ little
I lost my little pink teddy.
She is a young/ girl/ tall
She is a tall young girl.
He had a brown/toy train/long
He had a long brown toy train.