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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We can easily check the source of our information. (The editorial argued…)
…that we could easily check the source of our information.
Her novels are always surprising. (The book review argued…)
…that her novels were always surprising.
Innovation is one of the secrets to success. (A key point of the article was…)
…that innovation was one of the secrets to success.
Insiders say those two companies are merging. (The news I heard was…)
…that those two companies were merging.
The company claims corruption is being investigated. (The latest news is…)
…that the company claimed corruption was being investigated.
The use of Zoom has skyrocketed since 2019. (The report stated…)
…that the use of Zoom had skyrocketed since 2019.
Celebrities are using social media to stay in touch with their fans. (The article explained…)
…that celebrities were using social media to stay in touch with their fans.
Most IT companies work from home now. (The article stated…)
…that most IT companies worked from home now.
Most companies are looking for online alternatives. (The article explained…)
…that most companies were looking for online alternatives.
The travel industry is in trouble. (I read…)
…that the travel industry was in trouble.
The president believes her new law will pass. (The article reported…)
…that the president believed her new law would pass.
It will be a cold winter (The weather channel said…)
…that it would be a cold winter.
It’s going to be a cold winter (The weather channel said…)
…that it was going to be a cold winter.
Stocks fell in October (The article said…)
…that stocks had fallen in October.
You can substitute any dry beans in that soup. (The online recipe pointed out…)
…that you could substitute any dry beans in that soup.
Your favorite team will win the championship. (The sports channel predicted...)
…that your favorite would win the championship.
The film hasn’t been released in my country yet. (The reviewer pointed out...)
...that the film hadn’t been released in my country yet.
Long walks are good for you. (A new study reported...)
...that long walks were good for you.
A helicopter crashed outside our city last night. (I read...)
...that a helicopter had crashed outside our city last night.
Your bank is closing down next month. (The newspaper said...)
--that your bank was closing down next month.