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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Airy Ledges Purse Sun
A religious person
Hen Fear He Ore Teak Hum Plaques
Inferiority Complex
Height Whole Chews Hoe
I told you so
Bar Brushed Rise Hand
Barbra Streisand
Petty Cue Her
Mess Achoo Set Spay Come Penny
Massachusetts Bay Company
Noggin Hock Ooze Their
Knock Knock, who's there?
Sell My High Yak
Salma Hayek
Theme Hiss Single Ink
The missing link
Abe You Team Arc
A beauty mark
Dawn Reak Rule
Don't be cruel
Chest Beat Wean Husk Hurls
Just between us girls
With Cup Pin Theme Awning
Wake up in the morning
You Rowed His Knee
Wore Inn Buff It
Warren Buffet
Toe Runt Hope Luge Hays
Toronto Blue Jays
May Trick Reel Owe Dead
Matrix Reloaded
Nose Moe Kings Own
No Smoking Zone
Pen Hokey Yo
Lawn Hoarder
Law and Order
Han Dover Theme Honey
Hand over the money
Henna Knee Coals Myth
Anna Nicole Smith
Four End Hick Tater
Foreign Dictator
Hun For if Hen
Spar Clink What Her
Sparkling Water
Sea Herase Robe Huck
Sears Roebuck
Pen Hey Mach Annul
The Panama Canal
Thin Terse Tate
The Interstate