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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Q: _____ he ______ (help) his mum at lunchtime yesterday? No, he _______. He ______ (play) a computer game.
was ... helping / wasn't / was playing
_____ you _____ (do) your homework yesterday when your dog ate it?
were ... doing
While he ______ (prepare) dinner, he cut his finger.
was preparing
Simon ______ (not behave) well at school today. He ______ (get) into trouble all day.
wasn't behaving / was getting
Where _____ they ______ (travel) by plane yesterday?
were ... travelling
Julie _____ (not work) yesterday evening. She ______ (eat) popcorn at the cinema.
wasn't working / was eating
When I got up this morning, my father ______ (listen) to the radio in the kitchen
was listening
Matt ______ (use) the computer when the modem stopped working.
was using
Jack _____ (write) emails when his phone rang.
was writing
Q: _____ Mr Roberts _____ (teach) English for 3 hours in the morning? A: Yes, he _____.
was ... teaching / was
They ______ (play) volleyball when the sun went down.
were playing
He broke his leg while he ________ (ski) in the Alps.
was skiing
We _______ (not swim) last night around 4 pm.
weren't swimming
Q: What ____ you ______ (do) last night at midnight? A: I ______ (study) Maths
were ... doing / was studying
While I ________ (watch) TV, my brother ________ (read).
was watching / was reading