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How well do you know your classmates?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Tatiana Muñoz like to draw?
She likes to draw people.
Who was the last person to do their self-introduction on Tuesday?
Sebastián Zumbado
Other than Ms. Hubbell, who else has climbed Chirripó?
Lucía Ramírez
Who owns three dogs?
Sebastián Quiróz
What is Valentina Zúñiga's hidden talent?
She liked to dance to Rasputin.
Which twin is older by 3 minutes?
Alexa Quirós
What was Marypaz's fun fact about herself?
Her name "Mejía" is actually a misspelling.
Who can't stand soup, especially creamy soup?
Arianna Salermo
Who used to go to the movies once a week before the pandemic?
Stanislav Poutvinski
What fruit doesn't Luciana Ocampo like?
What is Valeria Mora's fun fact about herself?
She has several nephews.
Who doesn't care for popcorn?
Marianne Jenkins
What city in Japan has Jessica visited?
What is Florencia's fun fact about herself?
She likes to color mandalas.
Who likes to knit and crochet?
Laura Chacón
How many times has Ms. Hubbell climbed Chirripó in the last three years?