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Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ____________________ (not to do) anything at the moment.
I am not doing anything at the moment.
Lili is rich, she ____________________ (to drive) a Mercedes.
Lili is rich, she drives a Mercedes.
Ray ____________________ (to drink) very much coffee.
Ray drinks very much coffee.
I ____________________ (to take) a pill every day.
I take a pill every day.
What´s that noise? Someone ____________________ (to play) the piano.
What´s that noise? Someone is playing the piano.
Carlos ____________________ (to like) fruits and vegetables.
Carlos ____________________ (to like) fruits and vegetables.
My wife ____________________ (to have) coffee at the moment.
My wife is having coffee at the moment.
He ____________________ (to wear) a T-shirt and shorts today.
He is wearing a T-shirt and shorts today.
Every day Ayla ____________________ (to go) for a walk.
Every day Ayla goes for a walk.
I ____________________ (to think) you´re amazing.
I think you´re amazing.
Quiet please! I ____________________ (to write) a letter.
Quiet please! I am writing a letter.
Listen! Blanca ____________________ (to sing) in the bathroom.
Listen! Blanca is singing in the bathroom.
I ____________________ (to know) him very well.
I know him very well.
She often ____________________ (to talk) to herself.
She often talks to herself.
_______________ he _______________ (to watch) the news regularly?
Does he watch the news regularly?
Don´t bother me now. I ____________________ (to work).
Don´t bother me now. I am working.
Look! The boys ____________________ (to come) home.
Look! The boys are coming home.
Bea sometimes ____________________ (to read) comics.
Bea sometimes reads comics.
Look! It ____________________ (to snow). We are going to have a white Christmas.
Look! It is snowing. We are going to have a white Christmas.
George ____________________ (to want) to go outside.
George wants to go outside.
I ____________________ (not to like) politics.
I do not like politics.
We always ____________________ (to stay) at the village.
We always stay at the village.
Maila ____________________ (to like) Chinese food.
Maila likes Chinese food.
What _______________ you _______________ (to do)? I´m sleeping.
What are you doing? I´m sleeping.
Don´t forget to take your umbrella. It ____________________ (to rain).
Don´t forget to take your umbrella. It is raining.
Right now I ____________________ (to spend) time with my father.
Right now I am spending time with my father.
What _______________ you _______________ (to do) at the moment?
What are you doing at the moment?
I ____________________ (not to feel) very well.
I am not feeling very well.
She ____________________ (to wear) a dress today.
She is wearing a dress today.
I ____________________ (to want) to be a millionaire.
I want to be a millionaire.
Silvia ____________________ (to cook) for her father on Sundays.
Silvia cooks for her father on Sundays.
How many languages _______________ you _______________ (to speak)?
How many languages do you speak?
He ____________________ (to speak) Dutch and Italian.
He speaks Dutch and Italian.
I ____________________ (not to want) to go to the cinema.
I do not want to go to the cinema.
I don´t like living in England. It always ____________________ (to rain).
I don´t like living in England. It always rains.
My parents ____________________ (to go) to Italy every year.
My parents go to Italy every year.
Who is that man? What _______________ he _______________ (to want)?
Who is that man? What does he want?
Dan ____________________ (to love) wild animals.
Dan loves wild animals.
The moon ____________________ (to go) round the earth.
The moon goes round the earth.
Peter ____________________ (not to like) rap music.
Peter does not like rap music.
Dad usually ____________________ (to cook) dinner.
Dad usually cooks dinner.
Gilbert says he is 80, but nobody ____________________ (to believe) him.
Gilbert says he is 80, but nobody believes him.
Donna usually ____________________ (to go) shopping on Saturdays.
Donna usually goes shopping on Saturdays.
At the moment she ____________________ (to travel) in the Sahara Desert.
At the moment she is travelling in the Sahara Desert.
Who is that man? Why _______________ he _______________ (to look) at us?
Who is that man? Why is he looking (to look) at us?
Let´s go out. It ____________________ (not to rain) now.
Let´s go out. It is not raining now.
He ____________________ (not to visit) Alaska at the moment.
He is not visiting Alaska at the moment.
The water ____________________ (to boil). Can you turn it off?
The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?
We ____________________ (to have) lunch now.
We are having lunch now.
Be quiet. Arturo ____________________ (to sleep).
Be quiet. Arturo is sleeping.
Hurry up! Everybody ____________________ (to wait) for you!
Hurry up! Everybody is waiting for you!