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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My dad and my brother went fishing and they really ___( have, spend, enjoy, be) themselves.
It ___( have, spend, enjoy, be) an amazing feeling to win the race! I ___( have, spend, enjoy, be) so glad I entered!
was, am
I always ___( have, spend, enjoy, be) fun when I see my cousins.
I ___ ( have, spend, enjoy, be) most of yesterday at the beach. It ___ ( have, spend, enjoy, be) a really fun day
spent, was
My brother ( have, spend, enjoy, be) playing computer games more than anything else and is really good at them.
___ ( have, spend, enjoy, be)time with friends is my favourite free-time activity.
I ___ ( have, spend, enjoy, be) a wonderful time at the party last night.
I think I prefer ____ (get, go, take) kite surfing to waterskiing.
Next year, we can ___(get, go, take) another language and another science subject.
My friends ___ (get, go, take) lost in the mountains, but another hiker found them.
___ (get, go, take) the third turning on the left after the supermarket. That’s the quickest way to my house.
Our flight was at 6.00 in the morning, so we ___ (get, go, take) up at 3.00.
My friends ___ ( get, go, take) sailing this afternoon at the activity centre.
are going
I ___ (get, go,take) back from school at about 5.30 every day.
Last summer we ___ (get, go, take) paddle boarding when we were on holiday. It was amazing!
At our school, we ____ (get, go, take) exams at the end of every term.
My ............ (A. neighbour, B. penfriend) is teaching me Italian. I’m going to meet him for the first time when he comes to stay with me in Wales next month.
Sara and Isabel are ............ (A. old friends, B. classmates) of my mum’s. They met at work 15 years ago.
old friend
My ............ (A. best friend, B. penfriend) moved to a new school last month. I really miss her.
best friend
His number is not in my ............ (A. relatives, B. contacts) list so I can’t phone him.
We talk on the phone every day now so we’ve become really ............ (A. old, B. close) friends.
Everyone was really ____ (A. great, B. fun, C. glad) when Georgina won the photography prize – her photos were much more interesting than anyone else’s.
When you do a free-time activity, the most important thing is to (A. enjoy, B. laugh, C. play) yourself.
I collect old watches, and finding an unusual one gives me a fantastic ____ (A. time, B. laugh, C. feeling) .
My mum’s family are from Argentina and I love ____ (A. being. B. feeling, C. spending) time with them when we go there for holidays.
When I go camping with my friends, I always _____ (A. enjoy, B. have, C. spend) a brilliant time.